Agency work demands a lot of high quality written content.

Particularly agencies that work in pure digital.
Client projects may dominate, but internal work is just as vital to the success of the organisation.
During my time at Elastic, I was responsible for drafting a large range of content – from internal manuals and how-to documents, through white papers and promotional collateral.
My role involved developing content for a wide range of channels and uses. And while many of these uses were new to the business, they still received the same level of research and commitment as a paying gig. Because in the end, they help to gain new clients – which is just as important as a paying gig.
Social media also plays a huge role – alongside regular blog posts – delivering a familiar and accessible way for visitors to explore how the company operates on the inside.
Video content was huge – and our clients were beginning to see the potential available in having professionally written video scripts. Below is an example of a whiteboard video series called Solution Tracks for the client MarkLogic.

White Paper: Case Study – Demand Generation Expectations Blown Away
- animation scripting
- blogging
- campaign concepts
- copy editing
- copywriting
- EDM campaign management
- page layouts
- proofing
- social media management
- SEO management
- user experience briefing