Big messages need a simple concept.

This project had a massive message. And it was made up of many elements, with multiple layers of copy, content and structure. To keep these keeps all messaging points under one “umbrella” we had to work hard on the concept, keeping a tight reign on what we said and how we said it.
This campaign features custom animations, a custom website, five direct-marketing emails, social integration and more. All drafted, reviewed and proofed by yours truly. I worked directly with the designers and animators to ensure the overall impact met the clients needs.
In addition to the site content, this project required a series of direct-marketing emails, social sharing elements, a channel partner guide book and introductory email.
Client: Brocade (via Elastic Digital)
- branding
- copy drafting
- content structure
- concept creation
- industry research
- animation scripting and revision
- custom website copy
- custom animation scripting
- custom URLs
- SEO metadata
- flagging triggers